Are you paying several hundred dollars or more per month for your current phone system? If so, you may be paying too much. We specialize in affordable, flexible, and scalable VoIP phone systems and PBX’s to meet virtually any business requirements. In most cases, we can reduce your monthly phone bill by 75% or more using VoIP technology! Here are some of the features that come standard with all VoIP phone systems:
- Pay only for what you use, no per-user or per-line fees
- Guaranteed lowest rates for both local and toll-free numbers
- Unlimited lines – your phone system will grow with you automatically
- Runs in the cloud securely – no equipment to maintain
- Phones will work anywhere – from your office or remotely from home
- Choice of affordable phones – you can have a physical phone or softphone on your PC/laptop (or both!)
Want to find out how much money we can save you, or how we can improve your telecommunications infrastructure? Please contact us to get started.